Hari ni macam biasa, shopping day kat Giant Alor Setar. Dah selesai beli barang-barang dapur, anak-anak nak makan. Gave them some money and off they went to Mariam Coklat ( MarryBrown as called by others but my second daughter called it this way since she was in her primary years).
I then went to the "Back To School" section. Niat di hati nak beli barang-barang sekolah untuk Hasif ( my youngest and my only boy - harap-harap no more worries about diapers and midnite cries after this.) He's going to be in Year 1 this coming January and he is too eager about it. When I asked him to put on the school uniform, wah...wah...wah... sengeh sampai ke telinga. Syoknya. Then asyik duk tanya when is the school day. Nanti kita pi sekolah no....insyaallah 29 Dec for the orientation.
Sambil duk ronda ronda kat section tu , we stopped at the Faber Castell pit stop. I asked him to get a box of coloured pencils. Ingatkan dia nak capai a box of 12 colours, tengok2.....kawan pi pilih a box of 24 colours. Tak pa....Hasif nak sekolah kan, nanti rajin-rajin guna colour tu untuk warna kerja sekolah tau, jangan conteng dinding rumah like usual sudah le.............
For today, I only bought 2 pasang uniforms, a pair of school shoes, 3pairs of socks, coloured pencils and a box of pencils + erasers. Altogether RM165.10. (Nanti kita p Yawata la pulak p tambah kuantiti uniform and kasut sekolahtu , ya Hasif...Hari ni budget mama tak cukup coz mama dah beli barang dapur almost RM200 tadi).
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku bersyukur dikurniakan rezeki yang mencukupi untuk kami sekeluarga. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
(Terfikir juga bagaimana golongan yang kurang berupaya menyediakan persiapan untuk anak-anak mereka. Sekali keluar berbelanja, dah spent RM300 lebih. Adakah kita membazir?)
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